Communication Masterclass

Communication Masterclass

by compasspartnership

Crucial advanced skills.

Communicating effectively with others plays a massive part in our work. From formal presentations to the day-to-day interactions with our colleagues; speaking to customers or negotiating with suppliers; influencing key stakeholders or dealing with a potentially difficult person.

We have brought together several of our key workshops in order to build a Communication & Presentation Masterclass that goes beyond foundational knowledge with a deep dive into crucial advanced skills.

Course Overview.

In this programme, participants will be coached in:

• Effective Presentation skills
• Delivering high impact, engaging presentations
• Developing strong long term relationships with stakeholders
• Emotional Intelligence
• Active & Empathetic Listening
• Communication Skills
• Personal resilience and dealing with difficult stakeholders
• Better meetings and dynamic facilitation

Participants will be assessed throughout the training, with video feedback offered to continually hone their skill and application.

Participants will:

  • Be able to deliver presentations, even those with technical and complex content, confidently and clearly
  • Make high-impact, engaging presentations
  • Develop long-term relationship with stakeholders
  • Develop the ability to manage potentially difficult stakeholders
  • Engage with people to evaluate their interests and make sure that all viewpoints are being considered.